We started December with Mom's bday.
She turned 32 and told me that she finally feels like an adult since she has me. Unfortunately, she did not cake this year, much to her chagrin. Maybe she'll help me with mine next year...
Then we had an awesome photo shoot at the beginning of Hanukkah with Mom and Dad's friend, Megan. Megan had me working it for the camera. I can't do much about Mom and Dad, but I look fantastic.

Hanukkah was really special -- since it was my first and all. Mom had a lot of fun reading to me about it and singing the Adam Sandler Hanukkah song to me.
And Mimi and PopPop got me a beautiful menorah that I can use starting next year:
Then as we continued through December, Mom's old friend from high school, Susan, came to visit with her husband, Dave. They live in a mystical place called Asheville. There are chocolate bars there -- as in bars that serve all chocolate. All the time. Can't wait to visit them!
It was love. Love at first snuggle. I let her leave, though.
Then Nana and Pops came down from Charlotte.
It was good to see them again and Nana taught me how to Jitterbug and ChaCha.
I had a really good time -- she didn't know how much rhythm I had.
For Christmas Eve, Mom prepared a wonderful feast and Nana, Pops, Heather, John, and Sullivan all came over. Sullivan and I caroled for a little while. Of course, we don't know the words, so it just sounded like "Waaaaaaaaaaa Waaaaaaaa wa wa wa Waaaaaaa." We're not sure why everyone didn't sing along...
And then it was Christmas morning. Oh what a day. Mom and Dad wrapped up things from around the house (except for the chocolate -- that was new). Mom got a bracelet and her silicone spatulas and Dad got all the pens he likes to leave laying around (like 20 of them) and the watch mom had fixed in October. I got breast milk freezer containers.
Not that Mom had or has used those yet. The kittens got ping pong balls and Christmas mice from last year (plus treats). There was much laughing all around.
We had a fun, funny time.
Later on Christmas Day, we went over to Aunt Donna's house. I was a little tired from all the festivities, so slept for a while. Mom fed me and then I got to meet my Cousin Don. He's pretty cool -- see what a good time we were having?
Since Mom and Dad hadn't seen their friends Tanya and Mike for a little while, they came over for some wine and cheese a couple days after Christmas. It was good to see them and while Mom neglected to take any pictures of them, she did get some cute ones of me and Dad partying. Tanya and Mike were providing me with lots of entertainment.
Mom's always saying, "He just keeps getting cuter!" But I'm not sure if she's talking about me or Dad. Admit it, he's a good looking guy -- takes after me.
And then, all that was left was New Year's Eve, which I helped Mom and Dad ring in with a low grade fever and hella crankiness. It was just for one night, though.
All i can say is that Zsa Zsa and Tenzing had the right idea after such a crazy month:
Of course, they do that for like 20 hours a day, which is a bit excessive in my book... But they are pretty cute and snuggly looking.
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