Story time with Nana. Pre-wiggly worm.
With Pops -- during a wiggly worm state.
Jooon was here for a whole week, which was a lot of fun for me (and presumably for her, too). We kicked things off with a zoo trip with a bunch of my friends and she and I got to know each other much better over the course of the week. We played a lot of kitchen -- she even taught me how to make cake!
Nana et al went to the Northshore to celebrate Turkey Day with a lot of my cousins and Aunt Donna, but we had a really good time here after naptime: Sullivan and Sam brought their parents and Dad's friend from work came over. Mom cooked too much food, as per usual, and much silliness ensued.
oh, keep away paparazzi
Emma June showing me how to use her xmas present.
Uncle JP going for my brains. For dessert.
Evil plan thwarted again...
Story time with Mom and Jooon
1 comment:
The flash, it burnsssses!
Cursssses on you, camera Hobbit!
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