About 4 or 5 months ago (who's really counting?), Mom and Dad realized I was interested in using a potty. So, they pulled the one out we had for such a date. And then they bought me another. And then a third one once they realized that I was really digging this whole potty thing (and that they needed one for traveling). I did really well with peeing pretty quickly. I mean who doesn't like to sit and read on the potty?
But pooping. Ahh, pooping. I liked to save that for my diaper. I tried a number of approaches: first thing in the morning before leaving my crib, right after b-fast, right after my nap before leaving my crib. Eventually, Mom and Dad, and Teddy, who was instrumental in this process, realized that maybe I needed a little incentive to poop in the potty...

Along came the Star Chart: For every poop in the potty, both I and the chart got a sticker. I decided that it was a good system. Until it wasn't. We went out of town. Twice. No more poopies. For like 2 months. But then, those stickers were really calling to me. And I started using my potties again. Good times. And I finished those last 2 rows in no time.
We spent a couple weeks just wearing nothing under my shorts for short trips, but those zippers were kind of freaking Mom out. I'd be freaked out, too, if I knew any better. I like the half-naked system at home, but it's less practical (or maybe appropriate) when we're out. We tested having on just shorts at home. Thank goodness, since I didn't quite get it. There was that one puddle in the kitchen, that one waterfall off my high chair (in my defense, I said I was done eating), and that one load in the living room. Yes, I said load. Of the steamy variety. Funny how the shorts don't keep anything in... Oops. Mom was cool about it, reminded me that pee pee and poo poo go in the potty, and then we cleaned. I did my part by spending a week periodically rubbing that spot for her.
After a few weeks of success, Mom got me some training underwear. I started wearing them this week on Tuesday afternoon. They were a little confusing, but after one accident and one dribble, I caught on to the whole system of taking them off. I get to wear those when we go out. You know, just in case.
But when we're at home, I get to wear nothing OR my super awesome, teeny tiny boxer briefs. They look like Dad's. In fact I think Dad was eyeing them a little too carefully this morning...
Really, do you have any idea how hard it is to find really small underwear for the sub-2, <25 pound set? It's not easy. We have some undies from Target that Mom had gotten as an incentive early on, but now Teddy wears them: they're too big and fall off of me. Which is really irritating to me at home, and really not cool when we're in public.
So there you have it. Potty party at my house. Stickers for everyone!
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