Well, not exactly, but...
So, Jo and Erv, our really nice neighbors from around the corner, grew us this tree from a cutting of their Confederate Rose. But then Mom and Dad didn't get it into dirt for a few days. All the leaves fell off. The poor thing was a very sad little stick. That they planted...
Then wouldn't you know: it bloomed.
And then 10 days later it started growing leaves like crazy. It was funny.
Mom, 8 am: Hmm, honey, I think the tree might be getting some leaves. It has little buds.
Dad: Mmm hmm. That's nice dear. Have you seen my Blackberry?
Mom, 12 pm: What the? Dost my eyes deceive? I don't think the tree looked like this earlier... I'm going to call Dad.
Mom, 5 pm: Geezy petes. Where the h-e-double hockey sticks did all these leaves come from? Yeah, yeah, she might have not spelled that last one... I mean really, is it necessary? All this c-o-o-k-i-e and c-r-a-c-k-e-r nonsense. I know what you're saying. Or spelling. I'm just waiting until I can say supercalafragilisticexpiallodocious. Or maybe spell it.
But I digress. The tree is all kinds of growing up now. It's very neat and a very good thing because Mom really didn't want to go tell Erv and Jo that they accidentally killed the tree cutting. You dodged a bullet on that one, Mom. I suppose the tree will be asking for the car keys soon...
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