Me, Mom, and Dad had a very lovely 4th. It was waaaay better than the 3rd, which included: non-napping, a fever of 102, a solids strike (pretty much), and keeping Mom (and Dad) awake for much of the night. Bottom line: I didn't feel well. At all.
Some might argue that those adorable teeth you see are to blame. I think it's the ones you don't see yet. (#6 is breaking through this week and something seems to be happening in the back of my mouth where my molars go!)
Good times.
The 4th, however, included napping, playing airplane (below),
eating a little real food, and kicking it with my main peeps.
(We won't talk about bedtime right now. That didn't go very well. At least I have my laptop in the crib...)
Here's me and Mom during the happy part of the day:
Balance is key, so Mom had to get both of my cheeks. I don't mind. She's a nice lady.
And I got to play horsey with her hair:
And she got to extract me:
But I stole her hair clip! Bwah ha ha ha ha!
(Or tried to)
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